Zakhidnadarservice group of companies was created in 2014.
The group is engaged in exploration, drilling and production of oil and natural gas
on the territory of Western Ukraine, as well as projects in the field of alternative energy.
The group unites mining companies, in particular:
Zakhidnadarservice LLC, Nordik PE,
Proekt-Bud PE, Ukrspeczamovlennya LLC, "Westoilinvest" Ltd, Drilling company "Goryzonty" LLC,
Georozvidka LLC and other
Companies in the group have the right to exploration and development of oil and natural gas fields at licensed sites in Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions of Ukraine. By investing in the exploration and experimental development of new hydrocarbon deposits, the group's members are keen to make a significant contribution to the development of the oil and gas complex and the energy independence of Ukraine.
During the period of activity of the group of companies, as of the end of 2023, more than 100 gas wells were drilled, and about 1 billion m3 of natural gas was extracted.
The group also includes the following service companies:
drilling wells - Drilling company "Goryzonty" LLC,
industrial construction - Nordik-Bud LLC
geo-reconnaissance works - Georozvidka LLC
and companies in renewable energy field:
Eco-Optima LLC, Karpatian Wind LLC,
Sambir Solar Station LLC, Sambir Solar Station-2 LLC.
Solar Station Stari Bogorodchany-1 LLC and other
Be the driving force of the oil and gas industry in Western Ukraine.
The maximum level of operational efficiency.
Social responsibility and support for family values.
Social responsibility and support for family values.